
Photodetectors read-out ASIC

Components off the shelf

Weeroc provide read-out circuits for many kind of photodetectors.

Dedicated ASIC design

Radiation hardened design

Weeroc can design your perfect ASIC based on requiremements.

Radiation hardened design

Design of ASIC dedicated to your application

Weeroc designs radiation hardened analogue and mixed signal ASIC.

Application Domain

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Medical imaging

Weeroc is partner in a collaboration designing a disruptive PET system

EIC Pathfinder RETIMAGER collaboration
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Scientific instrumentation

Citiroc 1A is reading out a cerenkov telescope camera used in CTA experiment

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Nuclear Safety

Weeroc is partner in several scientific collaboration aiming at designing disruptive Alpha, Beta and Gamma imager for nuclear safety and nuclear decommissioning

Temporal - Maud - ComptonCam
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Quantum and Cryptography

Weeroc ASICs are used in a disruptive true random number generation (TRNG) device

Random Power Collaboration
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Weeroc designed a single photon receiver for an atmospheric LIDAR application applied to climate change anlysis

Radiation Hardened - Single Photon Sensitivity

Photodetector Readout Chip Family 

Our Clients and References
