
Maroc 3A

Photomultiplier-tubes read-out chip


MAROC 3A is a 64-channel front-end ASIC designed to readout negative fast input current pulses such as those provided by Multi Anode Photo Multipliers. Each channel provides a 100% trigger rate for signal greater than 1/3 photoelectron (50fC) and a charge measurement up to 30 photoelectrons (~ 5 pC) with a linearity of 2%. The gain of each channel can be tuned between 0 and 4 thanks to an 8 bit variable gain preamplifier allowing to compensate the non- uniformity between detector channels. A slow shaper combined with two Sample and Hold capacitors allows storing the charge up to 5 pC as well as the baseline. In parallel, 64 trigger outputs are obtained thanks to two possible trigger paths: one made of a bipolar or unipolar fast (15 ns) shaper followed by one discriminator for the photon counting and one made with a bipolar fast shaper (with a lower gain) followed by a discriminator to deliver triggers for larger input charges (> 1 pe). The discriminator thresholds are set by two internal 10-bit DACs. A digital charge output is provided by an integrated 8, 10 or 12 bit Wilkinson ADC.


TRLTechnology Readiness Level 9 - Full system running ASIC , reliability proven
Available versions

- Maroc 3a : available

- Maroc 3 : discontinued

Detector Read-Out MA-PMT
Number of Channel64
Signal Polarity Negative
SensitivityTrigger on 1/3 photo-electron
Timing Resolution 60ps RMS on single photo-electron, threshold 1/3 of photo-electron
Dynamic Range5 pC (106 PM gain), Integral Non Linearity : 2% up to 5 pC
Packaging & Dimension

- PQFP240 (deprecated)

- TFBGA 353 12x12mm

Power Consumption 3.5 mW/ch, power supply=3.5V
Inputs 64 currents inputs

- 64 trigger outputs

- OR of the 64 triggers for each of the 2 discriminators

- 1 multiplexed analog charge output

- 1 digital charge measurement (8, 10, or 12 bits)

Internal Programmable Features

- Gain adjustment between 0 and 2 over 8 bits for each input preamp

- Trigger threshold adjustment (10bits)

- Analog and digital charge measurement

- 64 trigger masks

Evaluation systems

- Evaluation board : Available - 64 channels



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Jean-Baptiste Cizel




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Design review

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