
Radioroc 2

Multi-purpose SiPM analogue read-out chip


Radioroc 2 is a 64-channel front-end ASIC designed to readout silicon photo-multipliers (SiPM).
Radioroc 2 allows triggering down to 1/3 p.e. and provides dual-gain energy measurement with excellent Signal-to-noise ratio on the high gain (SNR over 10 for single p.e.) and large dynamic range on the low gain. Moreover, Radioroc 2 can output the 64-channel triggers with jitter expected as low as 35 ps FWHM on a single p.e. (ASIC only). Photo-counting is foreseen over 100 MHz.
An adjustment of the SiPM high-voltage (gain) is possible using a channel-by-channel 8-bit DAC connected to the ASIC inputs. Channel-by-channel calibration on the trigger threshold is also possible thanks to 6-bit DACs. Radioroc can be calibrated using the dark noise of the SiPM.
Timing resolution better than 35 ps FWHM is possible along with 1% linearity energy measurement up to 2000 p.e, the dynamic range being limited by the 1.2 V power supply on the input analogue pad. The power consumption is 3.3 mW per channel.


TRLTechnology Readiness Level 5 - First measurement conclusive in lab
Available versions

- Radioroc 1 : discontinued

- Radioroc 2 : available

Detector Read-Out SiPM, SiPM array
Number of Channel64
Signal Polarity Positive
SensitivityTrigger on first photo-electron
Timing Resolution Better than 55 ps FWHM on single photo-electron (measured)
Dynamic Rangeup to 2000 photo-electron 106 SiPM gain - Peaking time from 20ns to 2us for PSD
Packaging & Dimension

-FC-BGA 516 20x20mm (Low-inductance flip chip)

Power Consumption 310 mW - supply voltage 1.2V
Inputs 64 analogue inputs with independant SiPM HV adjustments
  • 2 outputs per channel, either :
    • 64 LVDS triggers
    •  2 x 64 TTL triggers
    • 64 TTL triggers and 64 analog outputs
  • 2 multiplexed analogue outputs
  • 3 NOR64 trigger outputs
Internal Programmable Features

- 3 trigger threshold tuning (10bits)

- channel-by-channel gain and shaping time adjustment (τ = 20 ns to 3 µs)

- individual trigger masking and cell powering.

Evaluation systems

- Evaluation board : Available

- Radioroc + PicoTDC evaluation system : Available April 2024


Radioroc 2 is a GenerIC family IC

GenerIC is a new read-out chip family by Weeroc. GenerIC features fast flip-chip packaged integrated circuits pin-to-pin compatible one with another. Changing detector and its front-end electronic become straightforward with GenerIC family. Pin to pin compatibility allow keeping the same front-end electronics and change detector and front-end ASIC while keeping downstream data stream identical. GenerIC makes easy multi-detector read-out by having a common read-out scheme independant of the detector. Check the GenerIC family :

Evaluate Radioroc 2

Use our open source evaluation system to build your proof of concept. Our evaluation systems are fully open. We provide the schematic that can be used as a reference design, we provide an open source firmware coded in VHDL and an open source software coded in Python.


Weeroc evaluation system features 64 channels of read-out electronics, input is a convenient HE10 connector allowing simple interface with detectors. Output is USB to a computer. Software and firmware allow easy and user-friendly programming of Radioroc simple calibration and straight-forward data acquisition.

  • NDIP 2022 Troyes, France
  • 2024-07-07, Talk Performances of Radioroc: a front-end ASIC for SiPM readout Jean-Baptiste Cizel
  • IEEE NSS/MIC Milan, Italy
  • 2022-10-14, Poster Characterization of RADIOROC for TOF-PET applications Julien Fleury
  • PET Tech Duisburg, Germany
  • 2023-09-13, Invited Talk Latest development of Weeroc Front-End ASICs Julien Fleury
  • 2023-10-14, Paper Study experimental time resolution limits of recent ASICs at Weeroc with different SiPMs and scintillators Tasneem Saleem et al 2023 JINST 18 P10005


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    Jean-Baptiste Cizel



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